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What is the Easiest Way to Sew Spandex?

What is the Easiest Way to Sew Spandex?

Discover the Secrets to Seamlessly Working with Spandex Fabric


Spandex, also known as Lycra or elastane, is a versatile fabric that offers excellent stretch and recovery. It's commonly used in athletic wear, swimwear, dance costumes, and other form-fitting garments. Sewing with spandex can be a bit challenging due to its stretchy nature, but with the right techniques and tools, you can achieve professional-looking results. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the easiest way to sew spandex, providing you with valuable tips, and step-by-step instructions.

What is Spandex?

Before delving into the sewing techniques, let's start by understanding what spandex is. Spandex is a synthetic fiber known for its exceptional elasticity. It was first developed in the 1950s and has since become a popular choice for creating stretchy clothing items. Spandex fibers are made from a combination of polyurethane and other materials, resulting in a fabric that can stretch up to 500% without losing its shape. This unique characteristic makes it ideal for garments that require flexibility and a snug fit.

Preparing the Fabric

Properly preparing the fabric before sewing is crucial for achieving professional-looking results. Here's what you need to do:

Pre-washing: Always pre-wash your spandex fabric before sewing to remove any residual chemicals or finishes. This step prevents potential shrinkage or distortion of the final garment.

Layout and cutting: Lay out your spandex fabric on a clean, flat surface, ensuring it's free of wrinkles. Use pattern weights or fabric clips to secure the pattern pieces in place. Carefully cut the fabric using sharp scissors or a rotary cutter, following the pattern instructions and taking note of the fabric's stretch direction.

Expand Your Knowledge of How to wash spandex

Sewing Techniques for Spandex

Now that your fabric is ready, it's time to dive into the sewing process. Follow these step-by-step instructions for seamless spandex sewing:

Choose the right stitch: When sewing spandex, it's crucial to select the right stitch that accommodates the fabric's stretch. The zigzag stitch or a stretch stitch are ideal choices. Test different stitch settings on a scrap piece of spandex to determine the best stitch width and length that provides both stretch and strength.

Use a ballpoint/stretch needle: Spandex is a delicate fabric, and using the wrong needle can cause snags or runs. Opt for a ballpoint or stretch needle, as their rounded tips allow them to glide between the spandex fibers without causing damage.

Stretch the fabric as you sew: Spandex fabric requires stretching while sewing to ensure the stitches don't snap when the garment is worn. Use your hands to gently stretch the fabric in front of and behind the presser foot as you sew, maintaining an even tension.

Stabilize seams and hems: Spandex has a tendency to stretch out over time, especially at seams and hems. To prevent this, use seam tape or clear elastic along these areas. Sew the tape or elastic directly onto the fabric or encase it within a seam allowance.

Avoid excessive heat: Spandex is sensitive to heat, so it's important to be cautious when pressing. Set your iron to a low temperature or use a pressing cloth to protect the fabric. Steam can also cause distortion, so opt for dry pressing whenever possible.

Use a walking foot or stretch stitch foot: Spandex can be slippery and may stretch unevenly if not fed through the machine properly. A walking foot or stretch stitch foot can help maintain even feed, preventing fabric distortion and shifting.

Test on scraps: Before sewing your final project, it's always wise to test your Stitching and techniques on fabric scraps. This allows you to fine-tune your settings and ensure the desired results before working on your actual garment.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can I use a regular sewing machine to sew spandex?

A: Yes, you can use a regular sewing machine for sewing spandex as long as you have the correct tools, needles, and stitches.

Q: What type of thread should I use for sewing spandex?

A: It is recommended to use polyester or nylon thread when sewing spandex. These threads offer stretch and durability.

Q: Do I need to use a serger to sew spandex?

A: While a serger can provide a professional finish, it is not necessary for sewing spandex. You can achieve excellent results using a regular sewing machine.

Q: How do I prevent skipped stitches when sewing spandex?

A: To prevent skipped stitches, make sure to use a ballpoint or stretch needle, stretch the fabric as you sew, and adjust your stitch settings accordingly.


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